NY-NJ Chapter LogoNewsletter
Fall 2002

In This Issue

From the Editors

From the Chair

Kudos for Chapter Members

Brave New World

In the Literature

Technology Review

RML Update

Special Feature: 9/11, One Year Later

Advocacy Report

News and Announcements -
New Members

Online Newsletter Index

The Newsletter is published for the members of the New York-New Jersey Chapter of the Medical Library Association.

Editors of this issue:

Gail Hendler, Ehrman Medical Library, New York University Medical School, 550 First Avenue, New York, NY 10016, S-10, E-mail: hendlerg@yahoo.com,


William Self, The Medical Library Center of New York, 5 East 102nd St., 7th Floor, New York, NY 10029 S-1, Phone: 212-427-1630, Fax: 212-860-3496, E-mail: wself@mlcny.org.

Site maintained by Webmaster: Robert Dempsey
Posted 1/17/03
©2003 NY-NJ Chapter of the Medical Library Association
Brave New World
How does the Human Genome represent me?
And what's next in the fascinating world of genomics?

by Kristine M. Alpi, MLS, MPH, AHIP
Lecturer in Public Health
Weill Medical College of Cornell University

The genome of an organism comprises its chromosomes, consisting of all of its genes and associated DNA. The map of all the genes is also known as the genome.

Three types of research by the Human Genome Project 1  help come up with a representative genome:

  1. Determining the order, or "sequence," of all the bases (ACTG) in our DNA;
  2. Making maps that show the locations of genes for major sections of all our chromosomes; and
  3. Producing linkage maps through which inherited traits (such as those for genetic disease) can be tracked over generations.

The current human genome sequencing efforts are being carried out on DNA that has been obtained from cells of a number of different donors. Donors from the Celera project self-identified as different ethnic groups. From human sequences assembled to date, two unrelated people will on average have one different nucleotide per 1000 base pairs of their total DNA sequence, a percentage of difference of about 0.1%. These single nucleotide changes are called SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms). Despite the presence of polymorphisms, the genome project should still be very useful, because the majority of the protein-encoding DNA information will be the same in all people.

As the genome reaches "completion," scientific explorations have already branched out into transcriptomics, proteomics, structural genomics, and comparative genomics.

involves large-scale analysis of messenger RNAs from active genes to follow when, where, and under what conditions genes are expressed.
the study of protein expression and function, can bring researchers closer to what's actually happening in the cell.
Structural genomics
generate the 3-D structures of one or more proteins, thus offering clues to function and biological targets for drug design.
Comparative genomics
analyzes DNA sequence patterns of humans and well-studied model organisms side-by-side-has become one of the most powerful strategies for identifying human genes and interpreting their function.

In order to do comparative genomics, the genomes of other organisms need to be available. See the list of model organisms at NCBI Genomic Biology page at http://www.ncbi.nih.gov/Genomes/. The National Advisory Council for Human Genome Research has recommended adding the cow and the dog to a growing group of high priority organisms (including chimpanzee, chicken and honeybee) that should be considered for genome sequencing as capacity becomes available. Read more about the decision process at http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10004650.

  1. Introduction to the Human Genome Project. National Human Genome Research Institute. http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10001772

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