NY-NJ Chapter Logo

Annual Meeting of the New York-New Jersey Chapter

On the Cusp of the New Millennium: Making Things Better

Thursday, October 26
Fashion Institute of Technology
Seventh Avenue at 27th Street, New York, NY

Registration Form

NAME: ________________________________________________________

INSTITUTION: _________________________________________________

ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________

CITY: ________________________________________________________

STATE: ____________    ZIP: ________________________

PHONE: _______________________________________________________

EMAIL: _______________________________________________________

PRICE: $65 per person

Please enclose check made out to NY-NJ Chapter/MLA for $65 per registration. Mail form and check by October 15 to: Debbie Stern, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, D. Samuel Gottesman Library, 1300 Morris Park Avenue, Bronx, NY 10461 (S-53 or Metro #297)

For more information about registration, email Debbie Stern at stern@aecom.yu.edu or call her at: 718-430-3104

For more information about the meeting, call Joan A. Napolitano at 718-558-7230 | Email: JNapolit@cmcny.com

If you need a Kosher meal (lunch will be buffet style), please call Suzanne Crow at: 212-481-5117 to make those arrangements.

Site maintained by Networking Committee - Web Group
Last updated 9/14/00
©1998 NY-NJ Chapter of the Medical Library Association