NY-NJ Chapter Logo

History of the New York-New Jersey Chapter

The NY-NJ Chapter of MLA was formed in 1949. The following links can only begin to acquaint you with its rich history - a history that is kept alive by our Archives and Centennial Committees.

Photos from MLA 1998, including the chapter's historical poster,
which was displayed at our annual meeting in December 1998

The New York Regional Group/MLA - A Discursive History
Table of contents and the complete web version of this history are available. Thanks to Patricia Gallagher for the original markup and Bob Dempsey who provided the table of contents and additional web editing.

Previous Chairs of the NY-NJ Chapter

Site maintained by Networking Committee - Web Group
Last updated 12/23/99
©1997-2000 NY-NJ Chapter of the Medical Library Association