NY-NJ Chapter Logo  

Web Site Guidelines & History
for the New York-New Jersey Chapter

MLA NY-NJ Chapter Web Site Submission Guidelines

(Acknowledgement to the South Central Chapter for this adaptation of its guidelines)

The Webmasters are Elizabeth Taylor and Vicki Sciuk.

We are hlped by Jacki Heller, Elaine Goldman and Charlie Ma. Paul Albert is the lead on the website redesign.

The preferred method of receiving content for the current website is via electronic submissions emailed to both webmasters. If you have a print item that you must fax or mail, please send it to:

Elizabeth Taylor
The New York Academy of Medicine Library
1216 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10029
Fax: 212-423-0266

If you have general questions, please call or e-mail Elizabeth at 212-822 7306 or etaylor@nyam.org.


  1. The Webmasters primarily work in the role of editors, adding material which is provided to them. All submissions may be edited for space and appearance. The overall design and structure of the web site is the responsibility of the Webmasters.
  2. Submissions for committee pages should come from the respective committee chairs or liaisons. Submissions can include, but are not limited to: updates to committee rosters, requests for hypertext links, news of current projects, etc. Submissions from any other parties are welcome, but will be revised, rejected or included at the discretion of the editors.
  3. The time from request to appearance on the site will be sped up dramatically if electronic text (preferably ASCII/plain text) is provided. However, text can be added from any print source by typing it all in by hand. Graphics can be edited and added more easily if they are in GIF or JPEG format. If you are unfamiliar with these formats, please contact the Webmaster(s). Most word processors can "Save as..." .TXT files (plain text/ASCII), and most graphic programs can likewise export as GIF or JPEG.
  4. Rule of thumb: If you think it would be a good idea, submit it! If there is some reason it cannot be done, we'll tell you.

Web Site History

Kris Alpi, a former chapter webmaster, has published an article in the April 1999 MLA News entitled "Content Comparison of Chapter Web Sites." The two comparison charts referenced, one for home page content and the other for entire site content are available in PDF format here on the chapter web site.

Site maintained by Networking Committee - Web Group
Last updated 12/08/08
©1998-2007 NY-NJ Chapter of the Medical Library Association