NY-NJ Chapter Logo

The Medical Library Association, New York-New Jersey Chapter

History of Health Sciences:
A One-Day Overview

Wednesday, May 9, 2001

NYU Medical Center
Ehrman Medical Library

Registration Deadline is Friday, May 4, 2001

This is an eight-hour course, designed as an overview of the history of the health sciences in the West.

Though concentrating on medicine, it will also discuss topics in dentistry and nursing. It will identify major names, issues, and publications, and will place them in a coherent historical context for the use of the health information professional.

Approved for 8 MLA CE credits

Patricia Gallagher, MLS, AHIP
Special Projects Coordinator
New York Academy of Medicine Library
Stephen Greenberg, MSLS, PhD
Reference/Collection Access Librarian
History of Medicine Division
National Library of Medicine

$50.00 MLA Members
$65.00 non-MLA Members
Date:   Wednesday, May 9, 2001
Time:   8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

Coffee & Registration begin at 7:30 a.m.
NYU Medical Center
Ehrman Medical Library
550 First Avenue
(between E. 30th and E. 34th Streets)
New York, NY
Room: Coles 101
Have questions or need directions?
Please contact Suzanne Crow

Registration Information and Form
Print and fill in the form below:
S- #


Registration Deadline: May 4, 2001

Chapter Members - $50.00
Non Members - $65.00

Make checks payable to:
New York-New Jersey Chapter, MLA
Send registration with payment to:

Suzanne Crow
Health Professions Library
Hunter College/CUNY
425 E. 25th Street
New York, NY 10010
(212) 481-5117

CE Committee:
Suzanne Crow, Chair
Nellie Aguilar
Michael Huang
Rita Neri
Tanya Shkolnikov
Celia Soto
Cathy Weglarz

Site maintained by Networking Committee - Web Group
Last updated 4/9/2001
©1997-2001 NY-NJ Chapter of the Medical Library Association