NY-NJ Chapter Logo

The Continuing Education Committee of MLA, New York-New Jersey Chapter announces an upcoming CE program:

Drug and Pharmaceutical Information Resources

Approved for 8 MLA CE Credits

Registration Deadline:
September 10, 2002

Elizabeth Wood conducts this course. She has been a medical librarian for over 20 years, working as Head of Acquisitions/Serials, Computer Services, Reference, and currently as a library Director. She has taught CE courses for the Medical Library Association on topics such as Clinical Medicine Information Resources, The Internet for Librarians, Reference Services, Medical Terminology, Health Informatics, and Drug & Pharmaceutical Information Resources. She is known for her interesting and lively presentations and the practical usefulness of the courses.

This course will cover:

The text for the class is Drug Information by Bonnie Snow, 2nd edition, MLA and Scarecrow Press, 1999 (included in the fee).

Date: Tuesday, September 24, 2002
Time:9 am-6 pm (Coffee & Registration at 8:30 am)
Registration Deadline:September 10, 2002
(We need some time to order and receive textbooks.)
Registration Fee:$125 MLA members;
$140 non-members
(Textbook, normally a $50.00 cost, included in the fee)
Location:Stony Brook Manhattan
401 Park Avenue South (E. 28th St.)
Second Floor
New York, NY 10016
Directions:Visit www.stonybrook.edu. Select Getting There on the left side, or just click here.


Contact: Tanya Shkolnikov

Registration Form
Fee:$125.00 members
$140.00 non-members
Amount Enclosed:

Please make check payable to:

NY/NJ Chapter of MLA

Mail check till September 10 to:

Rita Neri
St. Francis Hospital
Medical Library
100 Port Washington Blvd.
Roslyn, NY 11576
Tel.:  516-562-6673

Site maintained by Networking Committee - Web Group
Posted 8/25/2002
©1997-2002 NY-NJ Chapter of the Medical Library Association